August 8, 2011

Tiger Woods Girl #4 arrested on 6th AUG morning

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Jamie Junge, better known as Tiger Woods Girl # 4, was arrested in Las Vegas yesterday morning on several charges including impaired driving.

The police caught up with Jamie when she was involved in a car accident not far from the Strip. To our knowledge, no one was injured, but police broke Jamie not only driving under the influence, but also works on a suspended registration and not having proof of insurance.

Triple whammy, even though the latter two did not really hurt anybody but himself. But honestly, it was so damn terrible for a taxi? You're so short of money that you want to put at risk themselves and pay someone $ 20 to get home.


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The acronyms DUI, DWI, OMVI and OVI all refer to the same thing: operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The most commonly used terms are DUI, an acronym for Driving Under the Influence, and DWI, an acronym for Driving While Impaired.
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