September 26, 2010

DUI Arrests Statistic

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Anyone who drinks and then drives is potentially making themselves liable for a Driving While Intoxicated arrest. A Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% means that you are considered to be legally drunk. You can be pulled over by law enforcement, even if you are not involved in an accident, if you are exhibiting certain behaviors while driving. Weaving over the dividing line, driving off the road onto the shoulder, suddenly accelerating and slowing, going through a stop sign, and driving without lights at night can all get the attention of a police officer.
If you are pulled over, a breathalyzer test and other tests to determine sobriety will be administered, and if you are found to be intoxicated, you will be arrested for drunk driving. If you refuse to take any of the tests, which you are legally able to do, you will be considered to be drunk by default and you will probably experience a DWI arrest. This will result in immediate suspension or revocation of your driver's license. The severity of the arrest will also depend on whether this is a first or repeat offense.

DUI Arrests Statistic
DUI Arrests Statistic (Click to enlarge)

A law enforcement officer will nearly always ask if the person they have pulled over how many drinks they have had. Basically, whatever you answer, if there is alcohol on your breath, you will be arrested for DWI. You will probably be handcuffed, taken to a police station, and charged.
While a first DWI arrest will generally be treated more leniently than any subsequent arrests, the penalties will still affect your life in several important ways. Your license will instantly be suspended for 90 to 365 days. If you need a car to get to work, you might lose your job if no other means of transportation is available. Your auto insurance will either be cancelled or the premiums will skyrocket. The state may impound your car, also.
Usually, a first DWI offender will get probation instead of actual jail time. You will often have to perform community service and enter an alcohol treatment program. As a fine is always given in DWI arrest cases, you might also find that your monetary responsibility will be lessened if you agree to the above programs.
If you experience more than one DWI arrest, the penalties will become progressively more onerous. Not only might your car be impounded, sometimes the state will even auction off your car, which is one way of making sure that your chances of drunk driving are minimized. Being arrested more than once for drunk driving will almost ensure a prison term, heavy fine, and revocation of your license. You will also have the added attorney fees and court costs. If your drunk driving has caused injury or death, you will face very serious felony charges, possibly vehicular manslaughter or homicide.
It is in your own best interests, as well as the interests of anyone who might get in the way of your automobile, for you to take a cab home after a night on the town. The small expense of a taxi is really nothing when compared to all the attendant costs and miseries of a DWI arrest.
2008 - National DUI / Drunk Driving Statistics
•Official statistics for people who are arrested nationally for drunk driving / DUI (Driving under the Influence) not yet known
•10,684 fatal accidents nationally where at least one driver had a BAC of 0.8% or above
•11,773 people were killed nationally in accidents where at least one driver had a BAC of 0.8% or above
•2,072 people were killed nationally in accidents where at least one driver had a BAC between 0.01% and 0.07%
•13,846 total deaths were caused nationally where at least one driver had a BAC of 0.01% or above.


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The acronyms DUI, DWI, OMVI and OVI all refer to the same thing: operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The most commonly used terms are DUI, an acronym for Driving Under the Influence, and DWI, an acronym for Driving While Impaired.
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